Designing Multimodal Technical Instructions for Cross-Cultural Resonance Using a Culturally Inclusive Approach

Audrey G. Bennett

Volume 6

Chapter Description

The culturally inclusive approach introduced in this chapter can be used to design multimodal technical instructions that resonate cross-culturally by 1) representing culture competently from knowledge gleaned by conducting primary and secondary research and 2) enabling cross-cultural interpretation through interactive aesthetics. The approach aligns with a curriculum that teaches technical writing as a process of inquiry in which students engage in primary and secondary research toward developing a prototype of how instructions should be multimodally designed with interactive aesthetics to yield cross-cultural resonance. Primary research entails engaging with the readers to gather creative insight. This interaction may include surveys, questionnaires, observation, and other qualitative and quantitative instruments. In contrast, secondary research entails accessing public archives and libraries of text and images that provide credible information related to the subject matter or technology or getting to know the culture of the readers.

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